
Showing posts from September, 2015

God Save Our Land "Comunidade de Jua"

I was born in 1964 after liberation, but I have the feel of comunidade and how it was working. I saw a few fottekars of my time who were enthusiastically working in the fields and the auctions taking place for sluice gates and ponds for spring vegetables. It was a beautiful sight. During the auction all the fottekars were united. Jua was a nursery for onion seedlings. Every festival was well planned and the cost was borne by the comunidade especially on the 25th of August, the day of the harvesting festival. There were beautiful names for every field, pond, place and rivulet. Our fottekars are gone but their souls haunt every Zunvenkar because all that they had created with their intelligent ideas and hard work has been destroyed and the cries of their souls are unheard. Our present sarpanch destroyed our comunidade records without taking the sessão of our gaunkars and without the order of the governor/administrator. Then some crooks entered the comunidade and sold som

Koslem Provachon Kortai?

Jackson Dias Porob Povitr Ghorabeachi (Holy Family). Provachon Sant Istev Ximitrichea Ghorabeachem? Tunvem proxnn kitem to zanno zaunk zai asloi. Tunvem ximitri pattlean kitem zalam tem pollounk zai asleim. Zunvenchea lokachi ttika kelear zainam. Tuka khobor asa igorjechea adrar dha metr rosto dakhoila mhunn. Zunvencho lok bexttoch Ponnje veta? Tumi Sant Istev zunvear ieun geleat. Tumi kitem onnbhovlam? Tumi zannot Goeam kitem zatelem tem Zunvear poilem suru zata. Amchea Zunvear kitloch porki lok ieun pott bhorta. Zunvenkar konnank dukhoinant. Konnui Zunvear aile mhunntoch tankam porot vochom disonam. Zunvenkar moipaxi, visvaxi ani sussegad punn ek pautt utthot zalear bosonk avgodd. Sonvsaracho fanki totv-vigiani Madhav Gadgil, adlo Chief Town Planner Edgar Ribeiro, Comunidadicho zannar Adv. Andre Pereira, fanki kalakar Hema Sardesai amchea Zunvear ieun geleant. Tosoch Fransacho pongodd (Estudantes Universidade de Paris) ieun geleant. Xetam-porsam roitat tankam adhar ditelim. Konnu

Rocking it at Carmona


Kombea Sadari - Mohammed Rafi


Andy Williams sings Sail Along Silvery Moon - with lyrics


Sweet days... n roses



Zaitem sanglem, kiteak upkarlem? Oso xinn korun Bhag. Agostinachi avoi Santa Monica Jezuche imaji lagim vochon roddtali. Adlo boroinnar sangta Agostinan aple avoik zaiti sotaili. Kednaim to ghara ienaslo ani khoim veta to pasun sangonaslo. Zaitim vorsam soron gelim, Santa Monican bhavarth soddunk nam. Zaite pautt ti niraxi zatali. Jedna Agostin sonvsaracher vajeta, avchit aplem vaitt jivit soddun dita. Aplea ghora vochon aple avoi fuddem dimbi gahlun mafi magta ani jedna to igorz matecho fuddari zata aplea pustokar oxem boroita: Linger not on the way. Stray not from your aim. Always strive, always move, always advance. Agostin zalo igorz matecho ek khambo zannem Kristanvponna voir sabar pustokam boroilim zantunt City of God ani Confessions him pustokam mhotvachim asat. To zaun gelo Bism Hippo Regius hangacho (jem atam Algeriant asa) ani taka Kristanvponnacho vhodd zannar mhunn mandtat. Jedna Romachi razvoddki (Roman Empire) konsllonk lagli tedna tannem atanchi Katolk