250th Anniversary Celebrations of our church - a review
By Jose Lucas Mattos (From St. Estevam Firgojechi Zap, February 2010 issue) This year (1759-2009) we Zunvenkars got together to celebrate 250 years of our structural church. If we go back to the history of our faith, it is not of suit, boot and glamour of today, but our faith is of our poor "fottekars" who were ready to mortgage their lone possession "fottem" to build this magnificent architectural grandeur. As we see it today, it is not only the faith but a strong commitment and hard work which we inherited and flourished throughout the world. Under the spiritual guidance of our Parish Priest Fr. Olavo D'Souza, our village grandson, and Fr. Alexandre Fernandes, our assistant to the Parish Priest, we began this year's celebrations with a spiritual renewal of heart and mind and family life too. As the saying goes, "The family that prays together stays together" we began a five-day family mission conducted by Fr. Kenneth Telles of the Diocesan ...