
Showing posts from December, 2012


(RELEASING ON 26/12/2012 CD MOGACHEM TOOFAN) Bhenddekar Production somestanchea mukhar dovorta Jackson Dias hanchi tisri Audio CD zachem nanv Mogachem Toofan (Love storm). Hi Zuvenkaranchi tisri (3rd) CD. Hi CD uzvaddak ieta panch desani: Indiek - St. Estevam Jua (Zuvem), UAE - Dubai, U.K. - London, Sri Lanka ani Philippines.


By Jackson Dias   Goa! Cradle of his roots, a land of bright light, of sun and torrential rains, of green fields of rice and coconut trees, with flowers embellishing the place; of united cultures and religions, reflecting various influences. In the course of more than 5,000 years, India and Goa have had a rich cultural heritage. A land of fisher folk and cultivators who refer to God Parshuram in legends of Hindu mythology, incarnating in God Vishnu in the creation of Goa-Gomantak, the meaning of which in Sankrit is – fertile land, land of the Gods – reflects its innumerable attributes! In the late Vedic period, sung in the epic poem of Mahabharata, the reflex of oriental civilization is manifested. A fusion of cultures since immemorial times: of the Sumerians, with the first written mention of Goa in documents of cuneiform writing, around 2200 BC; of the Phoenicians; of the Mauryans, with the great Asoka; of the powerful dynasties of the Kadambas, with their capital in C...

Tiatre - Konnak Chukona

The Tiatre (Konkani play) entitled Konnak Chukonam will be held on 27th December 2012 at 7:30 pm near Casa Do Povo hall. The Tiatre is produced by Leo-Ann Production and directed by Joao Afonso.

Glamours of folk songs!

Mr. Jackson Dias, Honourable Judge for Gov. College, Khandola, Manddo Festival Competition is seen receiving a memento from Prof. Dr. Mohan Sangodkar, Principal of Government College, Khandola, commemorating the Manddo Festival Competition held at Gov. College, Khandola Goa in 2002. Zunvechim Salkam: The young boys and girls are seen performing the Manddo, singing to their heart's content and making the audience happy and gay with their melodious tune.