
Showing posts from November, 2011

Mhaka Iead Ieta (Down Memory Lane)

Jackson Dias Mhaka iead ieta mhojea bhurgeaponnachi. Bhurgem jivit tem ani Portugez xikop tea Portugez kallar. Mhojea jivitant zaite Professor ieun gele pun mhaka chodd avoddlo Prof. Mario Filomeno Pereira ganvant Sirlim, Chinchonnecho. Atam thoinsor Panchayat asa. Vorsak don-tin tiatr zatale Konkani-Portugez kantaram ason. Adim tiatr vo kazaram ugttea zagear matvan zatalim. Jedna Casa do Povo toiear zalem tiatr and kazaram thoim zavpak laglim. Goemchi suttka (liberation) zali teach vorsa (1961) Casa da Povo toiear zalem ani ondum 50 vorsam bhortat. Goemkarank toxech Zunvemkarank borem ies anvddetam. Forear (ganvant) adim ek bhatt (property) aslem tantunt gonzareo, chinchechim zhaddam, ambeachim zhaddam adi aslim. Ami interval poddtoch tea bhattant vetaleaum follam khaunk. Khuxeal dis te! Hanv St. Theresa iskolant ek “boarder” koso aslom punn Portugez xiktalom. Atam iskol-konvent bandla thoinsoruch punn adim Joesager, Konvent aslo Filomena saddiekarniger. Te...


A Konkani Song I Mogall him utram vachun he folichea kuddkeacher Kalliz mhojem bhot re, sintid lagonam konnacher Porton tum ietolo mhunnon patieun rautam tujer Orar zatam Devakodde, rakhonk tuk tea tarvacher Ch. Bhailea ganvant agbott laglear, choddui tum denvonaka Dusre tarvotti apoit zalear, moga mhojea vochonaka Mhozo ugddas ieta zalear, fuddle chittir boroi mhaka Japanak pautoch tem buluz dhaddunk visronaka II Basnnam ghanstana bottak disti poddta utrachi mudi Axea mhoji tujeruch as re, kazrak marun soddxi guddi Tarvar gelele zaite zann, aikon dusreancheo padd budi Tin’neach fuim fopon geleat rei, meutat mhunn European lady Ch. Khobordar toxem tum korxi, xirap tum ghetolo mhozo Kalleam bokddank tamddim favonam, kalleank baba kallim favo Agbottir join zalai to dis than, rautam vistid xinvonk novo Ietanam ek radio had mhaka, nachonk xikonk zavo III Duddu ibaddinaka santu, zannam tarvotteancho vhodd hatu Ratcho bondrant chodd bhonv’nak rei, porton ieuncheak visorxi vatu Vaur nam zatoc...

Xakechem Zunvem

Composed by Jackson Dias I Kherit Devachem denneani Soimbacheam kirnani, bhorlam amchem Goem Bhonvddekaram Goeam ietat Veller boson tim astat Goenchea saibache poddtat paiem Kazu, ambe, ponnos, chiku, sabar follam, orixtt zhaddam Portugezani ghatlelim biam Sobitaien kantoilam, scenerini nettoilam Ekuch amchem xakechenm Zunvem Ch. Xitoll marta varem Jivak ekdom borem Zunveam pollounk ietat bhonvddekaranchem bhirem II Adlea amchea lokani Ekdom te asle xanni amcho ganv sambhall’lo Vavr korun xetani, vochun porsam-bhattani Mogall lok amcho adlo Ganvche kosle proxnn aslear kedinch te bhienasle Ekvott tedna aslo Matiechea ghorani jiele, fott te marinasle bhavart tankam titlo III Kallzant ami sodanch udar Konnakui ditat adhar Zunvemkar sodanch moipaxi Devan amkam zaitem dilam Zaiteanch denneani bhorlam Zunvemkar sodanch visvaxi Bore mhunn soglleakuch sangtat Voita thuim vakhanddtat, khoisorui tum voixi Devachem nanv vhodd zanv Bhagivont Estevan ghatlam besanv Zunvemkar sodanch dhadoxi

Zonvaranchem Fest

Composed by Jackson Dias I Sonxean khal’lem goddxem Mervan khal’lem lonnchem Bokdden khal’lem touxem Hem zalem koxem? Ch. Hi khobor khori Nusteak addlam mori Byculla trucka pondak Nhidlam tujem tem Mari II Kolen bandlam ghoru Tacher bosla moru Ho konnalo poru Mottoch foru Ch Hi ghoddleli rat Konnem chintunk nam mat Kolo xinvacho gheit mhunn ghat III Zonvaranchem zalem festu Hoti aslo mestu Kolo zalo girestu Vanxelan chorleo zaiteo vostu Ch. Munxeachem jivit oxem Don dis zhogoddpachem Mortoch ami kainch nam vhorpachem

Ghovank Sonnaim

A Kunnbi Song Composed by Jackson Dias I Kunnbi xetan gatai zoto Dis bhor nagnam amkam oto Tumge bhaxen kazar zain ami gheinaim doto Bailo disotai tomatto Ch. Koxttu kortai ami dis rati Tumge bhaxen mandinaim zati Bakar eilear amge katto kati Bhinaka dolleant matlei mati II Kutu mogan ami xet roitai Tenkon einakai loku choitai Tumge bailank tumi gharantuch bosoitai Dekhun bailo ghovank soddun voitai Ch. Bore bhaxen amge dekh gheiai Goeam ravon soglle xet roieai Ekach orsanu kutu faido choieai Goenche put mhunn tumi dakhoieai III Kunnbeam konnuch dinaim manum Mottoran boslear kunnbeanchi ghannum Amge bailam choilear amge niullot tanum Borem tem xinkoil amkam abanum Ch. Tumge bhaxen kunnbi konaim Noca cheddvam iengent dhonaim Soro pion ghara vochon buddkule fonnaim Amge bailoi ghovank sonnaim

Meena Kumari

A Kunnbi Song Composed by Jackson Dias I Kunnbeank ekdom koddok ga moti Punn amge fuddleam naslele rati Atam fuloun bhonvtai ga xati Bhangar ami kattai ustun mati Ch. Kunnbeank amkam mhunntai re xi zat mhunn kunnbeanchi Hi soglli boddai tenge duddvanchi Choieai re forachej he tumge cheddvanchi Ani hi imbil soieai nachnneanchi II Kunnbi fuinchea terrako Thodde zann oson eileai jerrako Atam ami xerej pitai orrako Punn kotta bakar pitai urrako Ch. Amge him cheddvam cheddeank choin noztahi Mor pasun nokondd kesim astah Punn tumje iedim astom, noureanjer bhonvtahi Kazar zain eklem zatoch jemtahi III Amge cheddvam distai okolu Choltai tokli gan sokolu Tem nokak kutem sangtai kolpolu Tumchi into konaim beautifolu Ch. Kunnbi munntlear fons kori bakar tea tempari Atam ami Kunnbi tenge kumpari Bakram bhaxen nipixttik tumi lailear onttari Tumi sarkim distai Meena Kumari

Medium of Instructions – Give Grants to All Schools

Sumita R. Dias Mr. Frank Anthony, M.P., in his speech on October 20, 1985, at New Delhi, during the Indian National Congress Centenary celebrations, said, “That it was on his resolution in Parliament, in 1959, that when what came to be known as the Nehru formula was announced, namely, that English shall be the alternate/official language for as long as the non-Hindi speaking people so desire. Today, English is perhaps the de facto link language especially between the North and the South and in higher education. English was India’s window on the world’s progress in science and technology. In a case argued by him in the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court affirmed that, constitutionally, English was as much an Indian language as any one of the languages in the VIII Schedule, because it was the recognized mother tongue of a recognized Indian community, the Anglo-Indians.” Our late Prime Minister, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, while addressing his last meeting in Goa, having in his mind the political unr...

My Favourite Songs

She's So Beautiful Cliff Richard I hear your accusations darling, And my reply is hard to find. Oh, I wanna know you better. Won't you consider one more time. River flow to shining sea, Mountain nectar blue. Children flow like waterfalls, Sweeter love renew. Peace then war, then peace again. Trial and error true. Oh, if you were to visit there, You would love her too!! ooooo! She's so beautiful. She's so kind and free. She's so beautiful. She's all there is to me. (repeat) Tiny planet spins through space, Gives my life to me. Fifteen billion human beings, Where's our destiny? Peace then war, then peace again. Trial and error true. Oh, if you were to come down there, You would love her too! like I do! She's so beautiful. She's so kind and free! yeah! She's so beautiful. She's all there is to me. (repeat 7 times) ========================= Evergreen Tree Cliff Richard Oh darling, will our love be like an evergreen tree Stay ever green and young ...

Marcelant Zatrek Vetam

Marcelant Zatrek Vetam. Lyrics: Jackson Dias Music: Mukesh Ghatwal Video: Aggy Dias