Give Up…

Give up watching television one evening a week.
Visit some lonely or sick person instead.
Give up looking at other people’s worst points.
Concentrate on their strong points and positive attributes.
Give up speaking unkindly.
Let your speech be generous and understanding.
Give up your worries.
Trust God with your problems and frustrations.
Give up hatred or dislike of anyone.
Learn to love instead.
Give up the fear which presents Christian witness.
Seek courage to speak about your faith with others.
Give up spending so much time with newspapers and magazines.
Use some of that time to study your Bible.
Give up grumbling.
Learn to give thanks in everything.
Give up ten o fifteen minutes each day.
Use that time in prayer.
Give up buying anything but essentials for yourself.
Give that money to God’s work or someone in need.
Give up judging by appearance and by the standards of the world.
Learn to give up yourself to God.

Carran Monteiro


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