God Save Our Land "Comunidade de Jua"

I was born in 1964 after liberation, but I have the feel of comunidade and how it was working. I saw a few fottekars of my time who were enthusiastically working in the fields and the auctions taking place for sluice gates and ponds for spring vegetables. It was a beautiful sight. During the auction all the fottekars were united. Jua was a nursery for onion seedlings. Every festival was well planned and the cost was borne by the comunidade especially on the 25th of August, the day of the harvesting festival. There were beautiful names for every field, pond, place and rivulet. Our fottekars are gone but their souls haunt every Zunvenkar because all that they had created with their intelligent ideas and hard work has been destroyed and the cries of their souls are unheard.

Our present sarpanch destroyed our comunidade records without taking the sessão of our gaunkars and without the order of the governor/administrator. Then some crooks entered the comunidade and sold some lands to private parties and the government without the concern of the gaunkars. All this was exposed in the 2014 sessão. It took nine long years to register our gaunkars for the silly reason that "the secretary of the comunidade is not available". They took cash and some cheques from the government andmade a fraudulent bank account. At present the comunidade bank account is zero becaus the cash book and account books were burnt with the important documents.

The administrators and bureaucrats are wilfully blind to the whole happening and the murderers, office brokers and crooks are set scotfree, and they are ruling the village with nothing in our hands. I ask God to give our administrators, bureaucrats and the looters not an imaginary vision but true natural vision with which they can see. With my heartbeat rising and sorrow in my eyes I ask God to hear my cry.

Zaitem boroilem, goietani urlem. Goietantlem bhair kaddlam.

- Ek Gaunkar


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